Weekend prototype - GameAnalytics mobile panel

I always wondered why high-tech super smart analytics systems never show you the most important metrics of gameplay: user lifetime and lifetime value, known as LTV. Lifetime dynamics and LTV are the two most important and high-level metrics in product development and still not a single analytical platform calculates them, not to mention putting them in the spotlight. How else can you measure if the new build with all the changes was a success? Going through the percentage of payers, ARPDAU, n-day retention and other detailed metrics is a must. But this approach creates the vicious situation where only analytics and product leads know what’s going on with a product. What about other stakeholders? What about the high-level picture, using a single metric to judge?

Gamp screenshot So I went on and created my own solution for Game Analytics platform that I use in some of my own products. Now I've gone even further and made it open source, available on Github here. The idea is quite simple: fetch GA data, recalculate it, make some predictions if needed and come up with a few major metrics: lifetime, average ARPDAU and LTV. Ah, and I used Swift to build it, so it could be a little problematic to compile it and install on your device at the moment. But let’s embrace the future, dear reader! Check out more details and explanations at the bottom of the Github project page. If you’ll find it useful, I would be pleased to know that.

Note: GA still doesn’t provide a way to segregate data both by build and ad group or even country, only one dimension at a time. But GA has promised to fix this in the future.
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